Rise & Shine
Sunday Mornings - 10 a.m.
Join us in the Parlor for fellowship, coffee, and light snacks.
Pastor's Post
Pastor Stephanie, Sandee Morris (Lay Leader), and Janet Mercer (Ad Council Chair) met to prayerfully discern a team of members who will study, listen and guide our congregation, using "What's Next: A Discernment Guide for United Methodist Churches to Serve Future Generations."
Yes! We plan to be here for future generations but to make plans, we need a clear picture of our current reality. "What's Next" is designed to frame collaborative conversations among our congregation so we can determine what is the most faithful next step to which God is calling us at Holton 1st UMC?
We believe that God IS calling all churches to help people grow in their knowledge and their love of Jesus Christ, and their love of neighbor and self. We are doing this, but know there are areas where we can improve!
This short-term team will meet 5 times over the next three months to work through the guidebook. We will have information and ideas to share with you along the way and we will be seeking your feedback, ideas, and questions. This is conversational work!
SO. . . every 3rd Sunday POTLUCK lunch in September, October and November will be our "family dinner." The "What's Next Team" will offer a brief report. Team members will sit at different tables, listening to feedback, answering questions, and getting your insight to share at the next meeting. Yes, we will work together prayerfully to discover our next Spirit-inspired, faithful step!
Team members include Sandee Morris, Janet Mercer, Brenda Fletcher, Phyllis Cole, Larry Buss, Roger McClintock, Karen Ford, Lisa Thurman, and Pastor Stephanie.
Nursery for Sunday Mornings
During worship, we have a special time for our young disciples.
We love the sound of infants and small children worshiping among us. We have a hall tree full of activity bags to help keep your little worshiper engaged. If you prefer, we also offer a fully-staffed nursery from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings (for infants through kindergarten-age children).
September Sunday Sermons
September 1 - Kindness
September 8 - Compassion
September 15: Humility
September 22: Respect
September 29: Love
In September the theme is "Do Unto Others." We will use Church of the Resurrection's series about the Golden Rule.
Sunday Worship During Fall 2024
​October: Where Your Treasure is. . . Stewardship
November: Give Thanks!
December: Welcoming Emmanuel, God with Us