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Rise & Shine 
Sunday Mornings - 10 a.m.

Join us in the Parlor for fellowship, coffee, and light snacks.


Simplified Accountable Structure Update

Pat Fontaine and Karen Ford, both members of the SAS Communications Team, shared their insight and excitement about the opportunities this organizational change could bring our congregation.  Here's what they said during worship on Dec. 22.

Pat Fontaine

​"As you may be aware, our church is examining whether to commit to a Simplified Accountable Structure (SAS) wherein a single 9-12 person board replaces the several existing committees (30-40 people serving on Finance, Staff Parish Relations, Trustees, and Administrative Council).


The SAS model has the potential to empower our church to sharply focus on our commitment to being a relevant force in people's lives while making 'disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world.'  If we decide to do so, it will reduce our administrative leadership overhead, thus freeing up people to serve in the areas of their spirtual passion in mission and ministry capacities.


To this end, our Communications Team was created to keep membership informed on the progress of this examination. It's not a quick process - we should expect a 6-9 month-long process and the Comms Team will give regular updates on the 2nd and 4th Sundays as part of our pre-service announcements.


Thus far, we've had two meetings with a district coach. We encourage any and all to attend these meetings to help shape the future direction of our church and ministries.  As always, your voice is important to our future. Thank you."



Karen Ford

​"I know we all love to get involved in ministry and use our talents to do God's work. The key word is 'DO.'  With the Simplified Accountable Structure we will spend less time in meetings and more time DOING so we can all get involved in joyful, prayerful mission work and share our gifts more easily.  As one church member put it, "We are like a coiled spring ready to release our energy!" This one-board model will mean less time spent in meetings and more time releasing that energy in ministry. 


As a member of this church, I can't wait to see what happens as a result!"

Nursery for Sunday Mornings

   During worship, we have a special time for our young disciples.   

   We love the sound of infants and small children worshiping among us.  We have a hall tree full of activity bags to help keep your little worshiper engaged.  If you prefer, we also offer a fully-staffed nursery from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings (for infants through kindergarten-age children).  

January Sunday Sermon Themes
January 5 - REVEAL
Epiphany and Communion

January 12 - REDEEM
Baptism of Jesus by John

January 19: REVIVE
Miracle at the Wedding in Cana

January 26: RESTORE
Jesus' Ministry Begins

Your "WHY"

Rev. Bruce Emmert, our church coach for exploring the SAS medel, asked each of us to describe our "why."  In other words, what is your life purpose and passion, your inspiration?  So, what is your "why"?  Why do you attend Holton First UMC? What stirs your soul to love and serve Jesus through the church?


My latest "why" is an experience.  When Georgia Tanking was a sheep in the Christmas play, she walked about the chancel exploring freely.  But when she approached the manger and looked over the edge, her eyes were wide and her face serious and kind.  She looked at baby Jesus (a doll) and patted him gently. If only the whole congregation could have seen the wonder on her face!  These are the moments of blessing and celebration that convey my "why." What's yours?


- - - - Pastor Stephanie


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