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Our Mission, Ministry
and Music
in Action

Ministry and Christian Education 

September Birthdays

The following members of the congregation have September birthdays:​


03 Kisha Patterson

04 Cammee Mellenbruch

06 Kallan Ingels

07 Debbie Matzke

09 Lucas White

11 Nikki Rash

14 Darlene Bruns

19 Layton Dieckmann

21 Monte Mitchell, Karen Stous

22 Gayle Dunn

24 Celia Bowser

25 Tom Brown

26 Garrett Amon

27 Anne Brockelman

Food Pantry Needs

YES, you HAVE helped our local food pantry with your donations!  THANK YOU!!!  April was OUR month to provide food for our local food pantry sponsored by the Jackson County Ministerial Alliance. 


At the March JCMA meeting, we learned that our pantry can no longer order food from Harvesters, which gave us a big discount.  Thus, monetary donations to purchase food are also important. The need keeps growing.


According to Sarah Bahner, food pantry director, the items always needed include the following: canned meats, peanut butter, powdered milk, evaporated milk, spaghetti sauce, Spaghetti O's, ravioli, potato flakes, brownie and cake mixes, canned fruit, fruit juice, macaroni and cheese, can openers, toliet paper, toothpaste and tooth brushes.


Don't forget that you CAN add a "gift" amount to your shopping total at Cecil K's.  These funds are then available to our JCMA food pantry to purchase items throughout the year as needed. 

Fourth Thursday Lunch Bunch

On every fourth Thursday, any member who would like is invited to gather at Trail's at noon to enjoy fellowship and lunch. This month the fourth Thursday is May 23.  Hope to see you there!

Items of NOTE

Children's Church starts Sunday, Sept. 1st.


United Women in Faith, Alpha & Ruth Circles will begin regular meetings.


Administrative Committees (except SPRC & Nominating) meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.


Choir and Lady Belles will meet on Wednesdays.


Rainbow Ringers (all ages) will meet on Sundays after worship for 20 minutes.


With limited students in grades 1-5 and changed Rainbow Ringers schedule, we ill not have Kids Club on Wednesdays this year.


Youth group events are yet to be scheduled so look for updates from Tiffany Ditzler. 



Children's Church

Children's Church started in September with an all new curriculum "Big Faith!"


All children PreK - 5th grade are invited to participate in Children's Church, which gathers during worship.  


Volunteer leaders and helpers are welcome!  Please tell Lisa Thurman, Barb Shea or Pastor Stephanie if you would like to help.


​​Prayer Groups


Prayer Groups meet at 10:30 during the second Thursday of each month and 7 PM during the fourth Thursday of each month. All are welcome to join us in praying for ourselves and others. 



​​​​​​​School Supplies


Donated School supplies were delivered to Jackson Heights, Holton and Royal Valley Elementary Schools.  Thanks, Mission Team, for organizing this local mission project and Thanks, members of our church, for helping area students, families and teachers get off to a strong start this new school year! As was shared with us, a child new to Holton arrived without anything for school. Our donation was put to good use immediately!



​​Adult Sunday School


There will be a meeting on Sunday, September 8, 9:15 AM at the west end of Fellowship Hall.  We will explore organizing an Adult Sunday School class and are open to any and all suggestions.  Please come and share your ideas. 




Worship Through Music

Praise through music is an important expression of faith at First United Methodist Church. Luckily, we have been blessed with many talented musicians in our congregation.


O Come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1


Rainbow Ringers is our children's bell choir for children currently in second to sixth grade.  Rainbow Ringers is under the direction of Dolores Wright. 

The Chancel Choir is filled with the soulful voices of some of our musically talented members and friends--singing  throughout the school year. The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 and is under the direction of Dolores Wright.  

The Lady Belles handbell choir has delighted and inspired our congregation with their beautiful music for many years. Under the direction of Dolores Wright, the Lady Belles rehearse from 5:45 - 6:25 on Wednesdays during the school year.

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