Our Mission, Ministry
and Music
in Action
Ministry and Christian Education
February Birthdays
The following members of the congregation have February birthdays:​
01 Emily Ditzler
02 Alexa Rash
04 Gayle Bartell
05 Debbie Belveal
10 Kinsley Watkins
11 Steve Bowser, Alex Belveal
13 Ashley Schuetz
14 Sutton Patterson
19 Tucker Gilliland
22 Carolyn Bartlett, Joni Carlsen
23 Dave Fieldler
28 Dolores Wright
Food Pantry Needs
YES, you HAVE helped our local food pantry with your donations! THANK YOU!!!
Our pantry, sponsored by the Jackson County Ministerial Alliance, can no longer order food from Harvesters, which gave us a big discount. Thus, monetary donations to purchase food are also important. The need keeps growing.
According to Sarah Bahner, food pantry director, the items always needed include the following: canned meats, peanut butter, powdered milk, evaporated milk, spaghetti sauce, Spaghetti O's, ravioli, potato flakes, brownie and cake mixes, canned fruit, fruit juice, macaroni and cheese, can openers, toliet paper, toothpaste and tooth brushes.
Don't forget that you CAN add a "gift" amount to your shopping total at Cecil K's. These funds are then available to our JCMA food pantry to purchase items throughout the year as needed.
Friends on Our Prayer List
Terry Craig-Horning, Ida Nadeau, Rosanna Wilson, Stacy Wright, Samantha Justice, Carrie Zibell Hildenbrand, Sylvia Slimmer Murphy, Judith Swisher, Tinley Raaf, Karen and Joe Bohlender
Members in Care Facilities
Phyllis Amon, James McDonald, Betty Moser, Barbara Slimmer, CL Riley, Marilyn Brown, Darlene Bruns
Serving Our Country
Tim Buss, Sophia Mellenbruch, Jake Barnes
Worship Through Music
Praise through music is an important expression of faith at First United Methodist Church. Luckily, we have been blessed with many talented musicians in our congregation.
O Come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1

The Chancel Choir is filled with the soulful voices of some of our musically talented members and friends--singing throughout the school year. The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 and is under the direction of Dolores Wright.
The Lady Belles handbell choir has delighted and inspired our congregation with their beautiful music for many years. Under the direction of Dolores Wright, the Lady Belles rehearse from 5:45 - 6:25 on Wednesdays during the school year.
​​Children's Church
Children's Church will have an all new curriculum starting in January.
​ All children PreK - 5th grade are invited to participate in Children's Church, which gathers during worship. Older youth can help when requested.
​ Volunteer leaders and helpers are welcome! Please tell Lisa Thurman, Barb Shea or Pastor Stephanie if you would like to help.
Prayer Groups​
Prayer Groups meet at 10:30 during the second Thursday of each month and 7 PM during the fourth Thursday of each month. All are welcome to join us in praying for ourselves and others.
​​Lenten Covenant Groups​
Look for sign-up sheets in the Narthex to explore this model of living more fully as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
​​​​​​​​Ash Wednesday​
March 5, 2025
12 p.m. Prayers and Ashes
5:30 p.m. Ash Wed. Services
Start the Lenten journey in worship together.
​​​Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School meets in Fellowship Hall on Sunday at 9 p.m. Come join us for a study of the Gospels, while enjoying a cup of coffee and fellowship.
Fourth Thursday Lunch Bunch
On every fourth Thursday, any member who would like is invited to gather at Trail's at noon to enjoy fellowship and lunch. This month the fourth Thursday is January 23. Hope to see you there!
JCMA Fundraiser: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Feed
Please support the Jackson County Ministerial Alliance's community ministries by attending our Pancake Feed at the 1st Baptist Church on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Time to be announced!
At the January meeting, Pastor Darla reported that the State of Kansas is cutting back on the boxes of commodities. Instead of a household receiving 2 boxes, they now only receive 1 box. Thought the need for food assistance is rising, the state is not accepting any new applicants. Thus, the reason JCMA is striving to raise funds to support the people of our county.
2025 Kansas LEAF
Registration begins January 6 and ends February 4, 2025.
Online Registration at: https://gp-reg.brtapp.com/KSLEAF2025RegistrationForm
Kansas LEAF (Legislative Event for Advocacy in Faith) is an ecumenical event for people of all faiths. It is fostered by the Great Plains Conference United Women in Faith and Church Women United. The 2025 event will take place Feb. 16 and 17 at the First United Methodist Church 600 SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, Kansas.
Our mission is the belief that ordinary citizens can act on behalf of the disadvantaged by advocating for just laws. We operate under the assumption that living out God's grace means, at least in part, fighting for justice for those oppressed or in need whose voices go unheard.
The goals we hope to achieve with this event are to learn how Kansas legislative issues are affecting women and children's lives and how these issues are being addressed by our legislators. Workshops will be available to provide information about how we can contact our representatives to bring our concerns to their desks. All legislators are invited to attend the luncheon on Monday; of course, attendance is their option.
The theme for this year's event is "Better Lives for Women and Children." The theme scripture is Matthew 25: 44-45: "They also will answer, 'Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison and did not help you?"" "He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'"
Registration has now closed but please be aware of and in prayer for this event.